Lithuanian Particle Physics Consortium
The relationship is formalized by the Law of the Republic of Lithuania (LRS 2017-12-07 No. XIII-847, e-tar) and by the Agreement on the granting of the status of Associate Member of CERN (e-tar), which refers to CERN/2918/Rev., CERN/3266/RA, CERN/3315/RA.
Consortium mission
CERN experts and the International Advisory Committee have identified the main objectives to be achieved by the Centre:
- To significantly develop particle physics activities in Lithuania;
- To represent Lithuanian science in its relations with CERN;
- Coordinate Lithuania's broad technical and scientific activities (with CERN).
Associate membership of CERN and its requirements
The main requirements for Associate Membership have been agreed through the CERN Membership Working Group (details: CERN/3266/RA). Please also note the general requirements for Associate Membership (details: CERN/2918/Rev.), which are set out below:
Associate Members must have a scientific, technical and industrial potential comparable to that required of Full Members of CERN:
- The country must have a strong base in elementary particle physics, both in theory and experiment, and must provide sufficient funding for domestic research and for travel and subsistence of scientists to participate in CERN activities.
- There must be sufficiently developed industry in the country to enable it to compete for CERN contracts with a good chance of success.
- The national interest of the public authorities in developing research and their understanding of the implications of participating in joint research and projects in particle physics.
- The Working Group has agreed with the Republic of Lithuania on the other conditions, which are set out below (Joint CERN-LT Representatives Committee, International Advisory Committee, Centre Manager). The membership has been ratified by the Law of the Republic of Lithuania (LRS 2017-12-07 No XIII-847).
Lithuania's associate membership of CERN was approved exclusively on the condition that requirement 1., which has not been met for membership, is satisfactorily fulfilled within the first five years of associate membership. At the end of the fifth year, the situation will be assessed by a working group set up by the CERN Council.
Due to its wide range of interests, CERN's activities fall under the coordination of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Economy and Innovation, Education, Science and Sport, the Chancellery of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Lithuania.
Towards full CERN membership
In addition to the requirements for associate membership, the following requirements are added to the requirements for full CERN membership (see CERN/2918/Rev. for details):
- Shared benefits for both CERN and the surrounding country.
- The State must ensure a long-term commitment to particle physics science through a roadmap that is aligned with the European Strategy for Particle Physics and possibly (as appropriate) with regional roadmaps.
- Benefits: Full membership allows public companies to bid for CERN contracts at unlimited contract levels; opens up opportunities for long-term employees; unlimited number of CERN staff; access to closed CERN Council meetings and full voting rights; and a number of smaller benefits.